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Marx and Engels

  • The Communist Manifesto
  • Wage-Labour and Capital and Value, Price, and Profit
  • Ludwig Feuerbach and the Outcome of Classical German Philosophy
  • Socialism : Utopian and Scientific
  • The Marx-Engels Reader, will save you time and money by having so many works in one place.
  • Grundrisse : Foundations of the Critique of Political Economy (Rough Draft)
  • Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy
  • Capital : A Critique of Political Economy Vol 1, Marx's classic work
  • Capital : A Critique of Political Economy (Penguin Classics) Vol 1
  • Capital (Penguin Classics) Vol 2
  • Capital : A Critique of Political Economy (Penguin Classics) Vol 3
  • Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844
  • The Holy Family, or Critique of Critical Criticism, what most Amerikkkans don't understand--materialism.
  • The Condition of the Working Class in England (The World's Classics)
  • The German Ideology : Including Thesis on Feuerbach (Great Books in Philosophy)
  • German Ideology, Part 1 and Selections from Parts 2 and 3
  • The Civil War in France : The Paris Commune
  • Class Struggles in France, 1848-1850
  • Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte
  • Peasant War in Germany
  • The Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State, in the Light of the Researches of Lewis H. Morgan
  • The Poverty of Philosophy
  • Critique of the Gotha Program
  • Cologne Communist Trial
  • The Portable Karl Marx (Viking Portable Library)
  • Selected Correspondence
  • Marx and Engels on the United States


  • Imperialism the Highest Stage of Capitalism
  • State and Revolution
  • Two Tactics of Social Democracy in the Democratic Revolution
  • What Is to Be Done? Burning Questions of Our Movement, why a vanguard party is necessary.
  • Introduction to Marx, Engels, Marxism
  • The Emancipation of Women; From the Writings of V. I. Lenin
  • Essential Works of Lenin : 'What Is to Be Done?' and Other Writings


  • Get Mao's four most important essays on philosophy here
  • Quotations from Chairman Mao Tsetung, the "little red book"
  • Five Articles by Chairman Mao Tsetung


Africa Che Guevara, The African Dream

Asia (excluding China & USSR) Bruce Cumings, Korea's Place in the Sun William J. Duiker, Ho Chi Minh: A Life Bruce Franklin, MIA or Mythmaking in America: How and why belief in live POWs has possessed a nation Bruce Franklin, The Vietnam War in American Stories, Songs, and Poems Kang Chol-hwan Aquariums of Pyongyang: Ten Years in the North Korean Gulag (2001) Douglas Kinnard, The War Managers: American Generals Reflect on Vietnam Fredrik Logevall, Choosing War: The Lost Chance for Peace and the Escalation of War in Vietnam Robert McNamara et. al., Argument without End: In Search of Answers to the Vietnam Tragedy George E. Ogle, South Korea: Dissent within the Economic Miracle (1990) Peter Phillips, Censored 1999: The News That Didn't Make the News -- The Year's top 25 Censored Stories Neil Sheehan, A Bright Shining Lie

Black nation Naim Akbar, Know Thy Self 1998 See some books by Black Panthers for study George Jackson, Soledad Brother: The Prison Letters of George Jackson David Levering Lewis, W.E.B. Du Bois: Biography of a Race Randall Robinson, The Debt: What America Owes to Blacks

Capital, wealth and capitalism generally Samir Amin, Spectres Of Capitalism: A Critique Of Current Intellectual Fashions George P. Baker and George David Smith, The New Financial Capitalists: Kohlberg Kravis Roberts And The Creation Of Corporate Value Peter L. Bernstein, Against the Gods: The Remarkable Story of Risk Nikolai Bukharin, Imperialism and World Economy Catherine Caufield, Masters Of Illusion: The World Bank And The Poverty Of Nations Noam Chomsky, Profit Over People: Neoliberalism and Global Order Paul Cockshott & Allin Cottrell, Towards a New Socialism W. Michael Cox and Richard Alm, Myths of Rich and Poor: Why We're Better Off Than We Think Pekka Himanen et. al., The Hacker Ethic Paul Krugman, The Return of Depression Economics David Landes, The Wealth And Poverty Of Nations: Why Some Are So Rich And Some So Poor Frances Moore Lappe and Joseph Collins, World Hunger: Twelve Myths Arjun Makhijani, From Global Capitalism to Economic Justice: An Inquiry into the Elimination of Systematic Poverty, Violence and Environmental Destruction in the World Economy John Naisbitt, Global Paradox: The Bigger the World Economy, the More Powerful Its Smallest Players John Perkins, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man (2004) Joseph Stiglitz, Globalization and its Discontents

China An excellent and detailed book on China's economy under Mao, Stephen Andors, China's Industrial Revolution Jasper Becker, Hungry Ghosts: Mao's Secret Famine Description of changes in Shanghai and Peking factories during Cultural Revolution,Charles Bettelheim, Cultural Revolution and Industrial Organization in China Ma Bo, Blood Red Sunset: A Memoir of the Chinese Cultural Revolution Buy a great and widely read overall history of the Cultural Revolution, Jean Daubier's, A History of the Chinese Cultural Revolution Arif Dirlik, Anarchism in the Chinese Revolution "The best overall look at the 1966 to 1969 period," Jean Esmein's The Chinese Cultural Revolution Felix Greene, A Curtain of Ignorance: China: How America Is Deceived (1965) William Hinton, Shenfan A brief introduction to the Cultural Revolution by an American living there, William Hinton, Turning Point in China A complete examination of life in 1970 China by an Italian, Maria Macciocchi, Daily Life in Revolutionary China Roderick MacFarquhar,The Origins of the Cultural Revolution Buy an excellent first-hand participant account of the Cultural Revolution by native English-speakers, David Milton's The Wind Will Not Subside Ruth Sidel's Women and Childcare in China (1973) Anna Louise Strong, When Serfs Stood up in Tibet ONE OF MIM'S FIVE MOST RECOMMENDED BOOKS, A MUST READ, E. L. Wheelwright & Bruce McFarlane, The Chinese Road to Socialism: Economics of the Cultural Revolution Peter Zarrow, Anarchism and Chinese Political Culture

Communism generally See the works of Marx, Lenin and Mao here

Alexander Berkman et. al., What Is Communist Anarchism? Stephane Courtois et. al., The Black Book of Communism Michael Hardt & Antonio Negri, Empire

Environment Richard E. Benedick, Ozone Diplomacy: New Directions in Safeguarding the Planet John J. Berger, Understanding Forests Lester R. Brown ed., The World Watch Reader: On Global Environmental Issues Mark Dowie, Losing Ground: American Environmentalism at the Close of the Twentieth Century Daniel A. Farber, Eco-pragmatism: Making Sensible Environmental Decisions in an Uncertain World Daniel M. Kammen, Should We Risk It? Exploring Environmental, Health and Technological Problem Solving Brewster Kneen, Farmageddon: Food and the Culture of Biotechnology David Malin, The Natural Wealth of Nations: Harnessing the Market for the Environment Daniel Sitarz ed., Sustainable America: America's Environment, Economy and Society in the 21st Century Michael Tobias, World War III: Population and the Biosphere at the End of the Millenium

Europe John Cornwell, Hitler's Pope: The Secret History of Pius XII Sebastin Haffner, Failure of a Revolution: Germany 1918-1919 Peter Hoffman, German Resistance to Hitler James Klugmann, From Trotsky to Tito (1951) HIGHLY RECOMMENDED ANALYSIS OF WORLD WAR I AND II: Richard Krooth, Arms & Empire

Fiction & Arts Alvin Ailey, Revelations : The Autobiography of Alvin Ailey Bebe Moore Campbell, Brother and Sisters Bebe Moore Campbell, Your Blues Ain't Like Mine Orson Scott Card, Ender's Game (1985) and Ender's Shadow (1999) Jennifer Dunning, Alvin Ailey: A Life in Dance David Guterson, Snow Falling on Cedars Jonathan Harr, A Civil Action Joe Haldeman, Forever Peace Joe Haldeman, Forever War Toni Morrison, Jazz John Okada, No-No Boy J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix David Sterritt Jean-Luc Godard: Interviews Gary Shteyngart The Russian Debutante's Handbook: A Novel (2002)

Gender Linda Blum, Between Feminism And Labor: The Significance Of The Comparable Worth Movement Joan Jacobs Brumberg, Fasting Girls: The Emergence of Anorexia Nervosa as a Modern Disease Hillary Rodham Clinton, Living History Angela Davis, Women, Race & Class Hester Eisenstein, Gender Shock: How Australian Feminists Make the System Work-and What American Women Can Learn from Them Susan Faludi, Backlash: The Undeclared War Against American Women Ellen Fein, The Rules: Time-Tested Secrets For Capturing The Heart Of Mr. Right Myra Marx Ferree, Controversy & Coalition: The New Feminist Movement Across Three Decades of Change Marilyn French, The War against Women Betty Friedan, The Feminine Mystique Betty Friedan, The Second Stage Betsy Hartmann, Reproductive Rights and Wrongs (1995) Patricia Ireland, What Women Want Celia Kitzinger, Changing Our Minds: Lesbian Feminism and Psychology Catharine MacKinnon, Feminism Unmodified Kate Millett, Flying Anne Phillips, ed., Feminism and Equality Dennis Rodman, Bad as I Wanna Be Stephen J. Schulhofer, Unwanted Sex: The Culture of Intimidation and the Failure of Law Ruth Sidel's Women and Childcare in China (1973) Elizabeth Spelman, Inessential Woman: Problems of Exclusion in Feminist Thought Nadine Strossen, Defending Pornography: Free Speech, Sex, and the Fight for Women's Rights Demaris S. Wehr, Jung & Feminism: Liberating Archetypes

Mideast Nasser Aruri, Dishonest Broker: The U.S. Role in Israel and Palestine Livia Rokach, Israel's Sacred Terrorism (1983) Sheila Ryan & Muhammad Hallaj, Palestine Is, But Not in Jordan (1983)

Natural sciences Stephen J. Gould, Rocks of Ages: Science and Religion in the Fullness of Life John Gribbin, Schrödinger's Kittens and the Search for Reality Richard Lewontin, The Triple Helix: Gene, Organism and Environment

USSR Alexander Allin and F.I.Firsov eds., Dimitrov & Stalin 1934-1943: Letters from the Soviet Archives Anthony Beevor, Stalingrad: The Fateful Siege: 1942-3 Anna Larina, This I Cannot Forget: The Memoirs of Nikolai Bukharin's Widow Yegor Ligachev, Inside Gorbachev's Kremlin: The Memoirs of Yegor Ligachev David Remnick, Resurrection: The Struggle For A New Russia Stalin, See MIM's Stalin bibliography

United $tates See our book reviews of the 1960s student organization SDS See some books by Black Panthers for study Roger Burbach and Jim Tarbell, Imperial Overstretch: George W. Bush & the Hubris of Empire (2004) Mark Gerson ed., The Essential Neo-conservative Reader Kristina Borjesson ed., Into the Buzzsaw: Leading Journalists Expose the Myth of the Free Press (2002) Jonathan Kozol (1991), Savage Inequalities: Children in America's Schools Clint Willis (2003) The I Hate Republicans Reader: Why the GOP Is Totally Wrong About Everything

Violence & militarism Bruce Cumings, Ervand Abrahamian, Moshe Ma'oz, Inventing the Axis of Evil: The Truth About North Korea, Iran, and Syria (2004) Chalmers Johnson, Blowback: The Costs and Consequences of American Empire Norman Mailer, Why Are We at War? William Rivers Pitt, Scott Ritter War on Iraq: What Team Bush Doesn't Want You to Know Milan Rai & Noam Chomsky, War Plan Iraq: 10 Reasons against War on Iraq Research Unit for Political Economy, Behind the Invasion of Iraq Scott Ritter, Frontier Justice: Weapons of Mass Destruction and the Bushwhacking of America (2003) Ziauddin Sardar & Merryl Wyn Davies, Why Do People Hate America? Manfred B. Steger and Nancy S. Lind, eds., Violence and its Alternatives: An Interdisciplinary Reader Gore Vidal, Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace: How We Got to Be So Hated Howard Zinn, Terrorism and War

Violence & revolution Jeffrey Paige, Agrarian Revolution (1978) Theda Skocpol, States & Social Revolutions (1979)

White nation Patrick Buchanan, (2002) The Death of the West: How Dying Populations and Immigrant Invasions Imperil Our Country and Civilization Cynthia Duncan, Worlds Apart: Why Poverty Persists in Rural America Steven R. Donziger ed., The Real War on Crime: The Report of the National Criminal Justice Commission Cynthia Duncan, Worlds Apart: Why Poverty Persists in Rural America Noel Ignatiev, How the Irish Became White David Maraniss, Tell Newt to Shut Up! Jeffrey Reiman, The Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Prison: Ideology, Class, and Criminal Justice James Ridgeway, Blood in the Face: The Ku Klux Klan, Aryan Nations, Nazi Skinheads, and the Rise of the New White Culture David Roediger, The Wages of Whiteness: Race and the Making of the American Working Class Pat Shipman, The Evolution of Racism: Human Differences and the Use and Abuse of Science